Wednesday, February 16, 2011

HiStOrIcAl PlAcE oF MiThILa

Mithila Sanskriti


According to Indian saint valmiki, the author of "Ramayan" the holy epic of Hindus, Janakpur was the capital of king Janak who ruled mithila many years ago. Another saint "Tulsidas" also had described Mithra as Janak's capital. Janakpur now lies in Nepal.

Dhanusha :

Dhanushadham is in Dhanusha district and Janakpur zone. Janakpur is approximately 390 kilometers and 10 hour drive from Kathmandu. Buses to district headquarters Janakpur city leave from Central Bus Station, Gongabu, in Kathmandu. One can also take a 40-minute flight to Janakpur city from Kathmandu. Dhanushadham which is 18 kilometers is an hour drive from Janakpur. Public transportation is available to Dhanushadham from the city area.

Sitamarhi :
A district in Bihar situated on the bank of river Lakhandei (trib. of Bagmati) approx. 50 km from Darbhanga. In Valimiki Ramayan, it is written that Janak found a girl child while plowing field and he named her Sita. The god gifted Sita brought an end to the year long drought and famine in Mithila.

Ahilyasthan :

The place lies in Darbhanga district of Mithila region. It is believed that Lord Rama on his way to Dhanusha for Swyamwar freed a saint wife "Ahilya" from a curse which turned her to a stone.

Maheshi :
Maheshi is a village in Saharsha district in Mithila region. The famous debate between Shankaracharya and Mandan Mishra was held at this place centuries ago. The debate changed the course of Hinduism reformation by Shankaracharya. Shankaracharya was successful in defeating Mandan Mishra but was defeated by his wife Bharati.

Kapileshwar :

Kapileshwar is located in kakraul of Rahika in Madhubani district of Mithila region. It is believed that a "Shiva Linga" was established by ancient sage Kapil here. For many years it was managed by Raj Darbhanga.

Chamunda Sthan Temple is located at a distance of 12 km from Jhanjharpur in Madhubani Distt. (Bihar), dedicated to goddess 'Maa Chamunda' and have a temple of 'Lord Mahadev'. The surroundings of the temple provide an excellent venue for meditation prayers and spiritual attainments. There is a pond located at the front of the temple. The temple is famous for worship of ‘Mahadev Puja’ which is celebrated after next day of Kojagra (Kartic Purnima) every Year. It comes upon Oct. - Nov. for four days.

Lakshmi Nath Gosai Kuti  :

It was the hut of famous saint Lakshmi Nath Gosai. He was regarded as a saint with mystical powers. His creations on Lord Krishna are famous. The place is located in Lakhnaur block in Jhanjharpur sub division in Mithila region.

Jitwarpur :
Jiwarpur village has got world wide recognition for re-establishing mithila art on world map. The village is famous among western foreigners for purchase of Mithila art and other stuffs like sikki art etc. The village can be approached by a rikshaw from Madhubani station.

Shyama Kali Mandir:

Shyama Kali Mandir is one of the famous and beautiful temple located just 1 k.m. from Darbhanga Junction railway station. The temple was made by Darbhanga Maharaja in 1933. The temple is devoted to Maa Kali with the big idol of goddess Kali inside the temple. The temple is famed for its beauty.
Huge ghanta in front of Kaali Temple:

Navlakha Palace:

Navlakha Palace (Hindi: नवलखा महल)), also called Naulakha Palace (Hindi: नौलखा महल)) is situated in town of Rajnagar (राजनगर) near Madhubani (मधुबनी) in Bihar. This Palace was built by Maharaja Rameshwar Singh of Darbhanga. This Palace suffered extensive damage during the earthquake of 1934 and was not rebuilt thereafter. Now this palace is in ruins. 

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